Sunday, June 29, 2008

News for July

Popsicle Day every Thursday!
July 24th NO SCHOOL
July 31st SPLASH DAY


Happy 4th of July! I hope you are all as happy as I am to live in such a great country, and realize all the freedoms that we have!

Please remember to bring a labeled water bottle to school every day!

If your child will be attending school this fall, I am charging a small fee of $30 for all the supplies needed in their class
DUE AT THE END OF JULY. This will cover their workbook, pencils, one jumbo pencil, pencil grips, crayons, colored pencils, markers, glue, scissors, and their own supply box. This will be for their use only for the whole year. Please let me know if you have any questions!

There will be NO SCHOOL on July 24th due to the holiday!

SPLASH DAY will be on the 31st. Please send your child to school with their swimsuits on or over their clothes! Don’t forget your towel! I will put sun block on them at school!

Thank you to everyone that signed up to bring popsicles! I will send a reminder home with everyone that signed up when it’s time for you to bring them!

Have a GREAT month!


Mrs. Melissa